I’ve decided to reboot my site and clean up all the junk that crept in during the last couple years (the apocalypse has shown amazing feats of human ingenuity but it’s also shown some … less useful … things).

I’m doing things a bit differently this time. I’m still using a static site, but I also want to apply “proper” technique (and DevOps practices) to it.

So, we’ll be using the following stack (to begin):

  • Jekyll (framework)
  • GitHub (code repository)
  • Do Apps (hosting)

It will end up on a dedicated VPS.

This will allow us to implement proper DevOps practices, including CI/CD, development, staging, and production configurations, and any other fancy stuff we want to toss in the chain.

Is this overkill for a website? Yes. Is it fun? Yes. Can we do whatever we want? Yes. (We are devs, and this is our own project with no one else calling the shots.)

I hope you stay tuned for the adventure. (The easiest way to do so is to add the RSS link to your RSS reader.)

Happy Coding, -Curtis